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  • Writer's pictureMiss B

Kindness and love in uncertain times...

“The past few weeks have been a great challenge for everyone. Days full of anxiety, uncertainty and many questions. However, there is still kindness, hope and love surrounding us. This virus has not taken those qualities that keep us all going day to day, and my day today has proved that completely”

My day started with recording Year 13’s Drama and Theatre studies performance. A performance that they had worked SO hard on for several weeks, that now they devastatingly know they will never perform to a live audience. Then, as the day continued with each class I answered their questions and worries, trying to prepare them as best as I can for the weeks ahead - but how well can I realistically do this? Other lessons included some games, vital moments of laughter, love and kindness that we all really need right now.

But so many times this week I have either said to myself, my colleagues and my pupils this: “As teachers, pupils expect us to know the answers. They come to us with their questions and we usually know the answer, and if not we know who to ask who will. But what I hate about right now, is that we don’t know those answers. We can’t soothe their worries without lying, because we simply just don’t know”.

I know this is the same as most people right now, but although there is such a strong positive sense of community in schools, and the joy of working with young people still exists, I couldn’t help but feel a failure for not giving the solid answers for what is such an unpredictable and scary few months for them (and us!).

I have had some amazing conversations about the virus with pupils from Year 7 through to 6th form. We have been honest but kind, reflective and realistic, panicked but calm. If there’s anything positive for this virus, it is that it has got us talking about community, positivity and togetherness as a remedy to get through difficult times. And I don’t know about you, but I’m all up for my pupils knowing that!

The day ended with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers being placed in my arms, along with a pink chocolate bunny (my favourite colour - they know me well!) and such wonderful words of kindness. Despite being new to the school and only teaching them for a matter of months, their appreciation for my hard work is so evident. We all hate that our time together may be cut tragically short, but it showed me that even in desperate times, love and kindness live on.

Yes, for the next few weeks, we’ll all be our swan-selves - looking calm above water, with our legs flapping madly below - but we must remember to be kind. Teachers, you are doing an amazing job - quite how we will teach Drama online for possibly weeks on end I do not know - but I do know we’ve got this!

Take care, and stay safe!

Miss B :)

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